- (人)のために簡単{かんたん}な[易しい]英語{えいご}で説明{せつめい}する
explain for someone in simple english 意味
- "explain confusedly" 意味
- "explain current events" 意味
- "explain elaborately" 意味
- "explain energy generation in stars" 意味
- "explain five points to get ten across" 意味
- "explain full of mysteries of the universe to the student" 意味
- "explain fully" 意味
- "explain how bad the bullying is making one feels" 意味
- "explain how badly children have been affected in the past by" 意味
- "explain energy generation in stars" 意味
- "explain five points to get ten across" 意味
- "explain full of mysteries of the universe to the student" 意味
- "explain fully" 意味